Signs and Effects of Water Damage on Concrete

Concrete is considered one of the most durable building materials, but even concrete isn’t indestructible. Water from rain and melting snow can wash out soil, freeze and thaw, and pool on top of the concrete, leading to cracks and damaged concrete. Learn about...

What Sets Us Apart

When most people think of construction they think that bad communication comes with it. However, here at SmartLevel Concrete that is not the case. Our goal is to make sure that our customers know what each step of the process is from start to finish.  It starts...

Snow Is Coming…Is Your Concrete Prepared?

The first nips of cold are touching our noses. Maybe you’ve turned on the heat or added an extra blanket to your bed, but what have you done to get your concrete ready?  Concrete is much like a sponge. It has millions of little pores that soak up water and...