The Importance of Protecting Your Driveway’s Cracks and Joints by Emma Osborn | Nov 8, 2023 | UncategorizedOK, we admit this isn’t the most exciting headline, so if you’ve read this far, we can probably guess that you are at least a bit curious about how and why to seal the various cracks and joints in your driveway, either random or controlled or both. What’s...
This Scary Thing is lurking under your concrete! by Emma Osborn | Oct 11, 2023 | UncategorizedWhat is the scary thing lurking under your concrete? It isn’t ghosts or goblins or even spiders. It is voids! Now you may say, “I don’t think voids are that scary”, but boy are you wrong! Voids can cause all sorts of problems to your concrete. How are voids...
How to Protect Your Driveway From Cracking, Pitting and Crumbling by Emma Osborn | Sep 6, 2023 | UncategorizedIt’s been said that your home’s concrete is its calling card. This is certainly true for its driveway, which is usually the first thing you see as you approach a home from the street. So, when a driveway is left to crack and crumble over time, it can really be an...
How Long Will My Concrete Inspection Take? by Emma Osborn | Aug 9, 2023 | UncategorizedWe all have busy schedules and a never ending honey-do list that can make home projects seem daunting. Adding on top of that all the estimates you need to inquire about can create quite the time suck. However we want to ensure that you get the best experience from us...
Clogged Gutters, Pipes and Your Concrete by Emma Osborn | Jul 5, 2023 | UncategorizedNow you may be wondering, how does my gutters being clogged have anything to do with my concrete being unlevel? One is up in the air and the other is on solid ground! While this may be true, clogged gutters or pipes can cause some serious damage to your...